Welcome to this corner of the universe.
I’m Valerie Lollett, founder of
Seres Magnéticos and Verona Office.

After many years focused on creative work for media and brands, I dipped in inner work, wellness, and spirituality, soaking my whole life with new ideas, more purpose, and a better sense of community.

You can find me through my project and company

Enjoy this interview about Shadow Work on “En Defensa Propia” with Erika de La Vega.

I hope I can provide you with something useful
and expansive today or any day.

My Journey

Academically, I studied communication and advertising, digital design, and, more recently, innovation and entrepreneurship. I’m driven by the idea of expanding and improving people’s lives in the journey of doing the same with mine.

And passionately, I study energy, the conscious and subconscious mind, personal development and wellness tools, medicinal plants and psychedelics, the spirit, comedy, and anything that sparks my curiosity.

Do you want a little bit more? Here is my journey.
